Eagle Point Resort

Take your family to enjoy nature at Eagle Point Resort!  Watch what you can do there in the summer...

Team Sports

This 5 & 6th grade baseball team knows how to have fun and win a game. Its fun filming them and showing their highlights after each game.  View their other games here...click here.

Latest Baptism Video:

Filming Scotti was so much fun!  I love to see how each person's unique personality shows in each video we do.  If you would like your child to have a baptism video call today!

Video shoots are in!  A video that shows your personality, taunts your memories more than any other type of memory preservation.   There is a reason why "video killed the radio star"!  There is a reason that music and video, together, spark feelings, are windows to our lives and bring back vibrant memories.  Your family will watch your family video shoots over and over and still want to watch it again.  

Here is our families first video shoot we did in 2010.  My videos have come along way since this one but we still love to watch it today.